Onenote todo list with dates
Onenote todo list with dates

onenote todo list with dates

If you have any difficulty with your iPhone please let me know if the comments and I’ll write up instructions. The following instructions are for an Android smartphone but are similar on the iPhone. How to create a quick note on smartphones For this reason, don’t rename the Notebook or the Quick Notes section. OneNote uses both the Quick Notes and Notebook to sync your notes to OneDrive.

onenote todo list with dates

When you create a Quick Note, it’s saved immediately as a section in Notebook.

onenote todo list with dates

Quick Notes are the electronic equivalent of little yellow sticky notes. Each Quick Note is instantly saved as a page in the Unfiled Notes section of the Quick Notes notebook. Use Quick Notes to jot down any thoughts and ideas, just like sticky notes. Quick notes are perfect for capturing a thought on one device, such as your phone then retrieving it from another device, such as your computer when you’re in the office. How often does this happen? You’re out to lunch and remember you need to call a customer and follow up on your last meeting. Or link an Outlook calendar appointment to a OneNote page and share the notes to everyone in the meeting. Then, add an Outlook flag to remind you to follow up later. Last but certainly not least, integration! You can take note in OneNote while on a phone call, quickly add check-boxes turning the notes into a to-do list. And because all your notes are in the cloud, OneNote lets you switch devices and pick up right where you left off. OneNote can be as structured or as unstructured as you want it to be. Then organize everything into notebooks, sections, and pages. Type notes, record audio, create a quick sketch, add pictures, videos, and any other document. OneNote allows you to capture just about anything. OneNote notebooks can be shared with colleagues for real-time collaboration. Microsoft has developed apps for every device including Windows PC, Mac,iPhone, Android. OneNote is a digital notebook that automatically backs up to Microsoft’s Office 365 cloud.

Onenote todo list with dates