Learn visual basic for excel
Learn visual basic for excel

learn visual basic for excel learn visual basic for excel

Guy extends your knowledge past editing odd Macro, directly into creating custom scripts using the VBA Programming Language. Seasoned Microsoft trainer Guy Vaccaro starts you out with the basics of VB programming, and teaches you to use it to its fullest potential within Excel. This also simplifies tasks for Excel, such as allowing users access to websites etc.In this VB for Excel training course, you will learn how to apply the VBA programming language to make your Excel spreadsheets much more powerful. These interfaces can be simple buttons on a worksheet, a dialogue box, or a complex User Form with rich controls such as TreeViews and FlexGrids. It can often be used to design an interface, giving users a more intuitive way to interact with your macros. Visual Basic can also use external DLL libraries to exploit nearly any data on your computer or the Internet by using external DLL Libraries. You can use the VBA editor to add logic (if statements) and loop (repeated actions) to your macro.

learn visual basic for excel

Using the VBA language, you can create user-defined functions as templates and forms in worksheets. VBA can bring many benefits to any business, including automating simple and long tasks, saving time customising the appearance of Excel, changing the functionality of Microsoft Excel and connecting other Microsoft Office applications like Power BI and MS Access. You can even create your own Excel add-in if you wish to do so. Excel VBA code allows you to go beyond simple number crunching in your spreadsheet, enabling you to create customised applications that will save your business time and money whilst making your job easier.

Learn visual basic for excel